Summary of Lord of the Flies

In the midst of a raging war, a plane evacuating a group of schoolboys from Britain is shot down over a deserted tropical island. Ralph, a fair haired boy, is elected chief for having assembled the boys using a conch shell. Ralph appoints Jack, the losing candidate for chief, as head hunter. For the most part, they enjoy the island, there's plenty of food and water and they have plenty of entertainment.Ralph decides to have everyone help build shelters and keep the fire going, though not everyone helps. Jack becomes more and more obsessed with hunting pigs. The longer they stay, the less civilized they become. Will they end up as savages?



Sunday 31 May 2015

Chapter Twelve - Cry of the Hunters

I hid in the forest. I was right by the tribe. I watched them feast on the pig. I began walking through the forest towards the fruit trees. I got there and there were two littluns. When they saw me they screamed and ran. I couldn't be that beaten up, could I? After eating I continue into the forest. I came across a clearing and I see a pig skull on a tick. This must have been what had caused to much fear, it must be the creator of the beast. I knocked it down before continuing on. I go back to the forest near the tribe and watch. I saw that Sam and Eric have been forced to join the tribe. They were on watch duty, so I went to talk to them. I tried to convince them to leave the tribe, but they seem terrified of Jack and Roger. They end up giving me some meat and they tell me that Jack has a plan to hunt me the next day. Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends, like he did for that pig I found. Before leaving I tell them where I will be spending the night. I managed to sleep, but not much. When I woke up I could hear the tribe approaching. Sam and Eric must have told them where I was! Why would they do that? I thought they were on my side! I thought they were my friends! I ran and they chased me , but I managed to lose them. I ran for a long time. Eventually the savages try and smoke me out of the forest by setting the whole island on fire! What a group of idiots! They're destroying all our food, our shade. What will they do when they kill me? They'll have nothing left! I ran until I reached the beach, and what I saw made my heart stop. There before me was a naval officer, and out in the water was a ship! We've been rescued! As I sat and answered the officers questions, the others came running and screaming out of the forest. When they saw the officer, they fell silent. The officer laughed and asked if we were playing war, which I suppose we were. He asked if they're have been any casualties, to which I say yes. He looked stunned. I don't think anyone would ever think that a group of private school boys from England would ever turn into savages. I wept at that point. Everything hit me. Piggy and Simon were dead. I've had to grow up to become the chief. I am no longer a child, I am no longer innocent. The others joined and the officer turned away. I am going home, but to what?

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