Summary of Lord of the Flies

In the midst of a raging war, a plane evacuating a group of schoolboys from Britain is shot down over a deserted tropical island. Ralph, a fair haired boy, is elected chief for having assembled the boys using a conch shell. Ralph appoints Jack, the losing candidate for chief, as head hunter. For the most part, they enjoy the island, there's plenty of food and water and they have plenty of entertainment.Ralph decides to have everyone help build shelters and keep the fire going, though not everyone helps. Jack becomes more and more obsessed with hunting pigs. The longer they stay, the less civilized they become. Will they end up as savages?



Sunday 31 May 2015

Chapter Ten - The Shell and the Glasses

Sam, Eric, Piggy and I are the only ones left except for a couple littluns. Everyone else has joined Jack's tribe of savages. I talked to Piggy about Simon's death, He says it wasn't our fault, that it was dark and we were scared, but it was. Piggy and I weren't really in the circle of murderers, we could see, we could have done something! We let them commit murder! And poor Simon! He didn't deserve this, he helped around more than the others, he was kind, he didn't deserve to die. Sure he was different from the rest of us, but he didn't have to die!  Sam and Eric came to talk as well. They said that they left the feast early. I lied and told them that we did too. I didn't want to be blamed for poor Simon's death. We got another fire going just before night. The fire was no longer just a way to signal passing ships, it kept away the darkness, though they are still not enough to keep it going. That night we were all sleeping in the same tent. Jack, Roger and Maurice came into our camp and attacked us. I got a few punches on one of them, but they ended up kneeing me in the groin. Piggy had run to protect the conch, but that was not what they were after. They stole Piggy's glasses. How on earth is he supposed to see now. It was bad enough that he had cracked one side, but now he's completely blind. And how are we supposed to start a fire? We could have shared the glasses! They didn't have to steal them from us! What are we supposed to do now?

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