Summary of Lord of the Flies

In the midst of a raging war, a plane evacuating a group of schoolboys from Britain is shot down over a deserted tropical island. Ralph, a fair haired boy, is elected chief for having assembled the boys using a conch shell. Ralph appoints Jack, the losing candidate for chief, as head hunter. For the most part, they enjoy the island, there's plenty of food and water and they have plenty of entertainment.Ralph decides to have everyone help build shelters and keep the fire going, though not everyone helps. Jack becomes more and more obsessed with hunting pigs. The longer they stay, the less civilized they become. Will they end up as savages?



Sunday 31 May 2015

Chapter Eleven - Castle Rock

I've been trying to get a fire going since forever. It's no use without Piggy's glasses. If he had only asked! I would have given them fire if they had asked, but they came to steal it in the middle of the night like a band of savages! I called a meeting and Piggy spoke. He was very upset about them stealing his glasses. We decided that we would go to Castle Rock with the conch and try to get his glasses back. Jack had to give them, they weren't his and he had no right to have them. I thought that we should maybe try and get ourselves cleaned up, look like how we used to. Clean our clothes, untangle our hair, but we didn't have time if we wanted to get Piggy's glasses before dark. I led the way to the tribe, Piggy followed behind me, and behind him came the twins. When we arrived at Castle Rock I blew the conch to assemble the savages. I asked for Jack but that said that he had gone hunting. Then I heard him behind me. I told him we came for Piggy's specs, but he didn't give them. I called him a thief and he ran at me with his spear. We fought for a while, but Piggy reminded me why we came. I addressed the tribe. I reminded them why we had built a fire in the first place, to be rescued, not to cook meat. Then Jack told his savages to take Sam and Eric and tie them up.  I was very mad then and I charged at Jack. We fought for a while again and again Piggy broke it up with words. He began speaking to the whole group. He says that they're acting like a bunch of kids and that they should grow up. Roger leaned on a tick which was propped under a huge bolder, which was just above Piggy. The rock was dislodged from its resting place and fell on Piggy. The conch was crushed, as was Piggy. The sea claimed his body as well. Jack and the others threw their spears at me, so I ran. I ran through the forest until I was exhausted, though I heard them retreat to the fort. I was alone, the tribe was out to get me and Piggy was gone. I was hopeless.

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